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THIS is how you get truly happy

21 . 07 . 24

Hooray, if you are in the UK, I am delighted to see Insta posts of you finally being treated to some sunshine. Making an effort to get out in it, that Vitamin D and sunlight in your eyes has so many benefits*, it’s free and it’s a rare commodity in the UK, so grab it and soak it up any chance you can.

On that point, I’m coming to you from poolside right in the centre of Rome. It is hot here, 38°C at this very moment!

We were up at 6.30am yesterday and 6:15am today to do the Colosseum (yesterday) and Vatican City (today) early. Needless to say, despite our early rising efforts, we did not beat the heat! (Not a fan of alarm setting on hols I’ve learned, but needs must for this wonder of the world stuff).

If you follow me on Insta, you’ll see we were in Sorrento for five nights prior to arriving in Rome two days ago by train. Incidentally, trains in Italy are a lovely experience - reclining leather seats (first class so I guess that’s why but come on Avanti, I now have expectations).

Sorrento was relaxing, friendly and unimaginably beautiful, 30°C (still roasting!). Could have happily stayed longer. That’s definitely my vibe these days. Laid back, relaxed, prettiness, texture, colours and the feel of uncomplicated sophistication round every corner.

Friendliness oozing out of every doorway - and wow did we climb some steps. Since arriving in Italy, my watch tells me we have averaged 15k steps per day (and probably the same amount of delicious, fresh calories per meal too).

I could not feel more at home in Italy; new experiences, movement, beauty, great food and outdoors all at once - and with my family. Worth noting: I remember old me saying “I’m a real home-bird, I don’t really like staying away from home” and often suffering anxiety attacks, wishing I hadn’t booked holidays a week before they were due. How we change…

Visited Pompeii while we were here too - highly recommend. Having never previously been into history as such (ok at all), the fact I wanted to do these bits of historical sightseeing comes as quite the surprise even to me. Again, how we change, bend, flex, and evolve over time.

Where was I? Oh, Pompei…

Being there was fascinating, immersive - so real you could physically feel what went before. Really chuffed to have got there and have that under my experience belt.

In Sorrento, after Pompeii, we were all delighted to just ‘be’ on the beach, swimming in the sea, eating (ridiculously delicious) local food, surrounded by cliffs, watching the fish underwater (like a diving experience but just wearing goggles), and feeling so open and free.

I swam on my own for 20 mins and physically said out loud, with tears in my eyes “thank you for all of this life I get to experience. I am so so so grateful and you know I mean it universe.”


So as we packed to leave Sorrento, I had to consciously think about all the experiences yet to come, rather than feel sad about the ones I’d leave behind - which I did feel an inkling of - but consciously caught the thoughts and rewrote the negative with a very real positives. Lots more memory making to come.

We arrived in Rome, ready to chill after having got up early for our transfer and travelling. Great hotel, right in the centre, where I am right now!

Staff polite and professional, yes. Hotel grand, faultless, pristine and polished, yes. But vibe? Not as warm and friendly and seemingly lots of clientele who seemed to think it uncool to smile.

The change is hilarious. You can tell you’re in a big city. They literally charge you for everything here, even a dry spare towel by the pool. BUT I’m not complaining (as such). In general, the rooms are gorgeous and the bed is beyond words massive and comfy.

Rome itself is OUT OF THIS WORLD.

We have very much treated this as a time to see as much as we can in the short time we have here, which has meant getting up early both mornings to sightsee (because you can’t not see the Colosseum and the Vatican City) before it gets too hot. But late nights and early mornings, and walking for three hours in the baking heat, have left for tired children.

So despite having loved soaking in the beauty and history of Rome, we’re incredibly relieved there’s no more sightseeing to do now!

Still cannot believe I have been in a room with real Michelangelo and Raphael artwork - in complete awe. Absolutely breathtaking.

But also. Done ✊

So Rome; the streets ooze charm, history, with it’s washy walls, the architecture is my vibe, the cobbles underfoot, the style, it’s a place I’d definitely return to (possibly just with adults, ok, definitely just with adults!)

Now, here comes the point in all of this…

No, I haven’t just suddenly become Judith Chalmers, nor am I just here to regale you with an account of my full 19-day holiday of a lifetime.

This is very much focused around gaining clarity over what makes us happy. Something that is becoming clearer for me each day I spend here.

As I get older and more open to life, I’m learning to really take the time to get to know what makes me feel happy.

What I realise more and more, as I do the inner work (which is really allowing feelings to come through and sitting with them rather than ‘doing’ things to push them back down), to enjoy this life I’m creating and to pass those lessons on to you, is that happiness isn’t linear—it’s so changeable.

We change. Everything changes and we need to be open to flow with that to continue to develop our current version of happy.

On this holiday, I’ve discovered that yes, I love fancy hotels and luxury. I can’t deny it and I’m not going to. But what’s more important to me is the people, the shared experiences, new experiences, and the feeling that comes with smiles and laughter, genuine heartfelt interactions, and truly connecting with others.

It’s about feeling at peace in a place, wherever that may be. To feel free, to feel wholly blessed with what I have and who I am in that moment, to feel at ease in my own skin and so grateful for what I already have. And learning how to breathe through it as tension inevitably mounts when four people are together a LOT for weeks, rather than explode 😉

There was a saying I learned recently and I think it may have to be inked onto my body somewhere discreet as it is SO poignant to me. “Wherever you go, there you are.”

Happiness is an inside job, it’s in you and wherever you go… there YOU are.

And now, we are ready to RELAX in Tuscany!

So next stop Monteriggioni!!

Action for you: This week, make time to really sit with yourself, to feel, hear and acknowledge and process your emotions. You’ll thank yourself for it. I promise.

*Boosts Vitamin D production which aids calcium absorption and thus bone health. It strengthens our immune system, improves mood and reduces depression regulates our circadian rhythm (sleep-wake cycles), boosts our mood by increasing serotonin levels, improves focus and cognitive (brain) function, reduces stress levels, lowers blood pressure and encourages a really healthy immune system. Sold?!

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