I intend for you to have a very happy new year!
05 . 01 . 25
Wishing you a very happy new year ahead.
Yes, an evening email! Fancy that. It won’t become the regular, I just felt today it might be nice to end with a bit of downtime and easy reading, rather than start slowly with it? Keen to hear what you think.
Oh and ok, so honesty… despite having narrated this from the bath for the most part last night, I might have finished writing it a bit too late to send it out this morning… yep. That’s the reality. Kids’ party this afternoon and started the day with snow covering everything (the excitement!), so decided on seeking out another bit of family time swimming/jacuzziing in the snow at Hale Country Club. GRATEFUL!
As I always say, this is your life, you get to choose how you live it, so I’m glad you see me preaching what I practice!
Well, this is it then hey? Back at it…
Maybe you were back in/at work last week? Maybe you worked through Christmas and New Year? Let me know (mainly because I’m a nosey bugger, but also because it helps me help you better when I understand our community).
I took the time off, officially, and in practice actually, aside from the odd social media post and lots of ‘research’ and course development (it’s hardly work when it’s your passion, is it?). I’ve really enjoyed it. I feel very lucky.
I’d say I have pretty much had the family downtime I wanted… Take from this what you will, but this also seems to have resulted in all my kitchen cupboards and food/drinks storage in the cellar being well and truly cleared out and organised. Bliss to me that! Soooooo regulating to my nervous system to have my house feeling lighter. SPACE. It’s created it in my mind and body too. Really it has. It does! And with all the gifts the kids received, they’ve loved playing/reading/art-ing alone for significant chunks of the time, regulating their not-so-little selves too. Lovely!
Onto the focus for this week’s outpouring. Yes, I do have a planned focus weekly you know.
This week, it’s intention setting again! BUT as always, it is intentions in a gentle, nervous system-friendly way, ones that come naturally from inside of you. Intentions that really mean something to you, to upgrade how you feel in your life. Can’t argue you don’t want more of that!
Shortly, I’ll show you a really simple practice to help you set these intentions, but first, a word of intention.
The word of Intention bit
I wonder if you have chosen a word of intention to get going with? It’s totally fine if you haven't. I’m not massive on tying yourself into anything as you know, all feels a bit resolution-y, but a word of intention to guide you, to use to navigate the path you intend to travel this year, I really like.
If you’re interested, I’m starting the year with the word ‘new,’ which really surprises me! I did a meditation, several actually, and tuned into what came up when I asked what word we would like to go into the new year with. ‘New’ was the word that has repeatedly come up—so there we are. Weird, as I really hate the whole ‘new year, new me’ thing. I don’t plan on being a new me, I really like the one I am, but new experiences, new clients, new connections, new habits, new memories, new adventures, new ways of working that feel even easier, lighter and more fulfilling. Yes! So, this new year is brought to me with the word ‘new’. Eager to see what that ‘new’ brings with it.
Intention Setting from the Heart
Now, aside from a word of intention, I’ve done some more thorough intention setting already in some of the important areas I will define for you in a mo. I’ve not yet finished, and I feel no pressure to have it done by a spurious date just because it’s the start of Jan. After all, tomorrow is the start of Monday, and right now is the start of a brand new moment, so we are all good on pressure.
This year I’m tuning in to what feels right, when it feels right. You?
Work-wise, I have already set my intentions and my targets. The reason? With work, to deliver the impact I so want to deliver in this world I need to get very clear on exactly how I plan to do that. So I have set monthly ‘goals’ and an outline of how I envisage it all unfolding. Of course, these are structures from which to deviate (thank you Dani Wallace for the phrase!) as we need to, but a plan is necessary.
This year I have lots in store for you!
Here’s a sneak peek…
- A £5 pcm Nervous System Circle (join the FREE 5 Day Reset Your Nervous System Challenge here—starting 13th Jan—to find out more!)
- Increased number of Nervous System Power Hours will be available, as I carve out specific days to host those (LOVE these—they are so powerful! Find out more/book yours here)
- Very Limited Nervous System Centred Life Design 1:1 (3 months just me and you! Find out more by booking your free 15 min call here)
- A Nervous System Centred group programme—yes, it’s coming!!
- And… a very special and exclusive Nervous System Centred 3-day experience in Sorrento!
So yes, work needed planning!
Now, let’s get into a dead simple practice for how you can set meaningful intentions really quickly and right from the heart (or gut if that feels more like where you connect to you).
Practice Section
Unlike resolutions that always feel like they’re about what you should do—this is about what actually feels good or meaningful for YOU. Sod the goals we write to look good on paper! This is about connecting with how you feel and how you’d like to feel, because everything starts with your nervous system as we know, and if it feels good, you are regulated, and that’s where the magic of life can be fully created and experienced.
Here’s how it works:
Draw 4 columns.
- Column 1. Choose areas of your life to reflect onI’ll make suggestions for areas you might like to set intentions, but only bother with the ones YOU want to focus on:
- Relationships (family, friends, romantic, colleagues, clients etc)
- Financial security / freedom
- Personal Life (self-care, hobbies/passions, health, etc.)
- Personal growth
- Legacy and impact
- Spirituality / purpose / meaning
- Professional (career, business, or projects)
- Take time to get quiet - however you like to do this, to drop into yourself, where you can ‘feel’ into this…For each area, ask:
- Column 2: How do I feel in this area right now? (Write down 2-3 words. For example: stressed, anxious, stuck, or maybe fulfilled, inspired, excited!)
- Column 3. How would I like to feel in this area? (Write at least one word. For example: calm, accomplished, connected, joyful.)
- Column 4: Choose one small action (and give it a specific timeframe so it’s not open ended)Commit to one specific action that will help you move toward how you’d like to feel.Here are a few ideas:
- Personal Life: If you want to feel calm, you might decide to start a daily 5-minute meditation - specify when you will do this so it happens and becomes second nature.
- Professional Work: If you want to feel accomplished, you might commit to learning one new skill or reading a book that inspires you every month - again give it a time frame, and/or some specificity.
- Relationships: If you want to feel connected, you could set a weekly reminder to check in with a friend or spend tech-free time with family. (Make it specific so you are accountable for your actions, for your inner peace, for the things you set for yourself because you know will make you feel SO good).
Make sure you keep this intention setting somewhere always visible, such as on a vision board - a physical one you can see, your phone lock screen, or taped inside your planner (if you will see it daily), to keep you on track with those feelings you want to achieve. It’s too easy to put them away in a notebook never to see the light of day.
Let’s make this year the year you prioritise your nervous system and FEEL incredible.