December Done Differently
01 . 12 . 24
It seems the festive season is well and truly upon us, and whether you celebrate Christmas, another holiday, or simply enjoy this time of year as a time of connection and often reflection, it’s undeniable that it brings its own rhythm, pressures, and expectations. It can be joyful, yes, I’m really feeling that this year I’m happy to say, but it can also feel overwhelming… Especially if we’re not careful and intentional about how we approach it.
Just FYI - I looked back at the email I sent to you all at this point last year and it’s so interesting to read. I was in complete overwhelm with that ‘spinning too many plates’ feeling thinking it was all the external pressures causing it. Actually, if you read on here, I’m explaining what was really happening… And I hadn’t referred to it until after I’d written this! What a difference a year makes.
Nervous system work is magic. I’m telling you… (Click here to book your 1:1 nervous system Power Hour with me today. Your life won’t wait, and neither should you.)
And on that, here’s the very main thing I want you to know right from the off today is this: YOU GET TO MAKE YOUR OWN RULES. You get to choose what you want this season to look and feel like. It’s your life and your festive season - you are not here solely to serve others but to enjoy it all in the process of collaboration and time spent together too.
Yes, there are likely traditions and rituals you love and want to keep. If they feel like home inside you, absolutely stay with them.
But if you’re finding yourself overwhelmed, too much to do, so many people to consider, so many plans, logistics and too many commitments and it’s feeling a LOT, I urge you to use this as your permission slip to STOP. Just for a moment, as you read this.
When I talked about the feeling overwhelmed bit, how did reading that feel inside your body? Did it resonate? Did you feel a tightness? Or did you read it and feel nope, I love it, I do it the way I really enjoy it and I can’t wait!
See we are all different, but what I hear so often as these next couple of weeks of December build momentum, is the feeling of overwhelm and pressure. Exhaustion. We can get whipped into a frenzy of our own making (yes really it is our own you know) and it’s usually caused by the weight of expectations (yours or someone else’s). So when you read that, whatever feelings or sensations it bought up for you, I really want you to pause and feel into that. Just for a moment.
If for you it bought up some discomfort, I want you to ask yourself, where do you feel that discomfort in your body? A tightness in your chest maybe? A knot in your stomach? A lump in your throat. Tight jaw or raised shoulders? Shallow breath or even maybe a slight racing in the heart. Once you identify the area(s), put your hand there and give it some love and compassion - just like you’d put your hand on the back or shoulder of someone you love for support. Then, try to zoom out. Ask yourself, “If this doesn’t feel good, how might I tweak it so it does?”
I give you some ways to help shortly. Carry on reading…
Now, let me be honest, when you start to put your own needs first, it will likely feel incredibly uncomfortable at first. Keeping everyone else happy is something many of us—especially women—are brilliant at. But it’s important to understand that this is often a learned survival response.
When we try to keep everyone else happy, it’s often rooted in our nervous system’s need to maintain connection and safety. Historically, if we made others happy, we stayed included and protected. But the thing is constantly living this way isn’t sustainable, especially when the “star of your story” (YOU) feels overwhelmed, drained, and secretly counting down the days until it’s all over.
This life of ours is precious.
For me, Christmas is something I genuinely LOVE. Every year, we do the same things: it’s the four of us, my big brother, my mum and stepdad, and my brother’s dad. The dynamics and logistics don’t matter—it works for us. It’s a joyous day.
But I’ll admit, a few years ago, I had to put my foot down and change something I dreaded every year.... Political conversation at the dinner table. So I announced they were banned! It was initially met with some gentle suggestion I may be being oversensitive (or indeed someone else’s bravery if they ‘dared’ go near the subject) but I feel strongly about it. It made me uncomfortable. These ‘discussions’ always made me feel angsty, an unsafe feeling in my body (dysregulation).. Everyone else might have enjoyed the debate, but I didn’t and my feelings are important too - as are yours!
I didn’t stamp my foot or throw a tantrum when I announced my preference (OK, ban!), I simply decided that I get to choose how I want to feel in my own space and of course everybody supported me on it.
Instead, I bought conversation cards. A much nicer way to keep things lively—and you find out so much about each other!
So let me ask you: how do you want this time to feel?
If you feel the pressure to keep saying yes, to keep showing up, and to keep everyone else comfortable, just pause for a moment. Whose expectations are you meeting? Are they truly from others, or have you internalised them? Whose peace is it you are keeping?
Now, put your hand on your heart or your tummy, wherever connects you to ‘you’ and ask, “What do I need? How might I make space for myself, even in small ways, to feel regulated, calm and make sure I’m enjoying this for me too?”
It’s not selfish. Quite the opposite. When you take care of yourself, when you regulate your nervous system, you show up as the very best version of yourself - this means everyone connects to you and feels that ripple effect of contentment.
A few reminders as you head into the ‘can be crazy’ season:
- You don’t have to shrink yourself to fit into others’ expectations.
- It’s okay to speak your truth, even if it’s just, “I see things differently.”
- You’re not responsible for managing other people’s discomfort.
- You don’t need to carry the labels others might have given you—“peacekeeper,” “yes-person,” “the one who never rocks the boat.” Those labels aren’t yours to hold.
And let me tell you, when you express and honour your own boundaries, you not only feel better, but you also give others permission to do the same.
So, as you head into this season, remember these few things if nothing else:
You get to make the rules.
You get to choose what feels good to you.
You get to prioritise yourself without apology.
Taking intentional action like this is about creating space for your nervous system to feel calm, steady, and supported. When you’re clear on what truly matters, it’s easier to say yes to what feels good and no to what doesn’t.
This life is yours. Let’s make it one that feels good to live.
To help you navigate December with ease and intention, here are some practical strategies I’ve used to make it feel calmer, more manageable, and much more enjoyable… These things help hugely!
/ Plan out December:
/ At the very start of Dec, spend 2 hours max ONLINE purchasing ALL gifts. (use this time as time to relax with a cuppa - view it as down time and that’s how it will feel)
/ Make an exhaustive list of everyone you have to buy for (save for each year)
/ Bunch together any who are similar - teens/adults/children
/ Give to charity for adults – agree with both sides – we all have enough stuff
/ Buy multiple people the same gift - e.g for kids a reindeer onesie and in multiple sizes, the same book on repeat,
/ Buy vouchers but make it look more personal by attaching a mini box of chocolates/single chocolate etc - repeat!
/ Order magazine subscriptions - the gift that keeps on giving and requires no wrapping or sending.
/ 1 week later, (to ensure everything has arrived), designate another hour for unboxing all gifts put into bags/storage/cupboards until all gifts arrive.
/ Designate 3 hours (either on the same day as unboxing or a few days later - an evening maybe for wrapping ALL gifts (leaving 2 weeks before xmas to distribute).
/ Plan and schedule distribution ahead of time so you can bulk deliver via others, or ensure as few trips/as little effort/money spent on postage as possible.
/ Only say yes to social events you really want to go to. Overextending yourself and not listening to what your body needs will create the feeling of overwhelm.
/ If you don’t want to let people down, but don’t want to say yes, say ‘can we organise something for January when we can spend quality time together instead’
/ Making lists of what needs doing can free up brain space. Even better - save time by dictating lists using a transcribing app whilst driving or folding washing!
/ Make sure you start your day with a calming meditation. This short 10 minutes away from everything makes so much more brain space, reduces panic and overwhelm and takes away that feeling of being overly busy.
/ When you are not out, prioritise sleep. Get to bed and put your phone away! Get quiet - just be present with yourself before bed. This feeling of calm will mean a restorative night’s sleep and makes SO much difference to the day that follows.
Here’s to a week where you create your own calm…